- Over 99% Accurate
- Results as Quick as 1 Minute
Accurate, early pregnancy hCG test strips; most cost effective, powered by intelligent Premom app to get pregnant naturally.
Easy to test: simply dip the test in your urine until the dye rises into the result window (approximately 10 seconds). Easy to read: two lines means pregnant and one line means not pregnant; NO more guessing! NO more worry!
Levels of hCG as low as 25 mIU/ml (FDA standard, For USA and Canada only) can be detected at 5 minutes. Results are over 99% accurate!
Pregnancy is detectable 1 day before expected period. Each test is sealed in an individual pouch.
Suggested use
1. Immerse the strip into the urine.
2. Take the strip out after 5 seconds and lay the strip flat.
3. Wait for 3 minutes and
read result. Don’t read
results after 5 minutes.
Results Reading
Pregnant : Two Pink Lines will appear. (Intensity of lines may vary).
Not Pregnant : One Pink Line will appear at the C.
Invalid : No visible lines appear, no line appears in
control zone, repeat test with a new test.
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